September Series
Where: Boulder City, NV
Day: TBA January 2018
Time: TBA January 2018
Price: Full Series – $25/ Class
or Individual – $30 / Class
Class Schedule
- Class 1 : TBA January 2018
- Class 2 : TBA January 2018
- Class 3 : TBA January 2018
- Class 4 : TBA January 2018
Class 1: Introduction: The Power of Your Plate
The first class in this series will focus on getting ready to start a low-fat, plant-based diet. This might be overwhelming that you need a week to consider what this diet entails, what groceries to purchase, and what a healthful menu will look like. We will discuss Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically Improve Your Health. When you leave this class, you should consider the next seven days a week of preparation, and then after Class 2, we will jump into the diet. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling.
Class 2: Let’s Go!
After a week of preparation and today’s lesson, you will have all the tools needed to start a low-fat, plant-based diet for the next three weeks. Learn how to read food labels. Discussions to see how everyone did in their preparatory week of food shopping and meal planning. Encouragement to share your successes and challenges. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling.
Class 3: Getting in Gear
This is the second week of the Kickstart. You will be experts in some areas and novices in others. Learn “Eating well at restaurants”, what to order and why International cuisine is preferred. Beginning discussions on tracking cravings and destructive eating habits. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling.
Class 4: Breaking the Food Seduction
By now, you are a couple of weeks into the program. How to work with “I don’t miss anything except cheese!” or “My weakness is doughnuts!” Today’s lesson will go over why these foods, and not broccoli, seem addictive and what we can do to break those addictions. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling.
Class 5: Keys for Natural Appetite Control
You will learn and understand these secrets: Key 1. Take Advantage of Fiber, Key 2. Skip Fatty Foods, Key 3. Use the Glycemic Index, Key 4. Treat Problem Foods Like Addictions. How opiates in certain foods trigger the release of dopamine and what is your leptin. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling.
Class 6: Digestive Health
Even though the 21-day challenge is over, the lifelong journey of leading a healthful lifestyle continues. Encourage you to think about this as a way of life and not a temporary diet. Going beyond dairy products, learning dairy replacements, and making healthier choices including cheese and minimizing vegetable oils. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling.
Class 7: Healthy Blood Pressure
The World Health Organization says hypertension (high blood pressure) is “the most important preventable cause of premature death in developed countries.” The good news is that blood pressure changes happen quickly, and plant-based diets will help lower high blood pressure within a short time frame. Learn causes of ED, back pain, and how animal fat affects your arteries. Discussion, DVD, Food Demo and sampling. This being the last class is also a Potluck. Everyone contributes a whole food plant-based dish to share.