Next Series
Where:Boulder City, NV
Day: TBA January 2018
Time: TBA January 2018
Price: Full Series – $25/ Class
or Individual – $30 / Class
Class Schedule
- Class 1 : TBA January 2018
- Class 2 : TBA January 2018
- Class 3 : TBA January 2018
- Class 4 : TBA January 2018
- Class 5 : TBA January 2018
- Class 6 : TBA January 2018
- Class 7 : TBA January 2018
- Class 8 : TBA January 2018
Let Barbara know you are interested in this series!
Class 1: How Foods Fight Diabetes
The road to diabetes does not have to be a one-way street. There is reason for hope! People who eat plant-based meals are less likely to ever develop diabetes, and for those who have diabetes, plant-based meals can help to improve blood sugar levels and prevent complications. These meals are affordable and can be quite delicious and satisfying. A low-fat, plant-based approach offers a new tool that many have found to be very useful. Review the latest science behind this approach, consider some simple ideas for getting started, sample four dishes, and explore useful resources.
Class 2: The Power of Your Plate and Grocery Cart
Let’s get practical. This class provides the knowledge and resources for trying out a new way of eating. By using the tools provided, participants often experience better blood sugar levels, weight loss if needed, and other health benefits within a surprisingly short time. The Power Plate is a diagram that illustrates the essential food groups: vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits. From these groups, you will be assisted to create your own Weekly Meal Planner and learn how to navigate the grocery store to find the treasures (and avoid the troublemakers!) We’ll discuss common concerns, including how to prevent and treat low blood sugar for those taking certain medications, and how to ease your transition into a filling, high-fiber way of eating. Learning how to read food labels is essential. Taste some of the staples that you’ll want to bring home from your grocery store.
Class 3: Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
New research shows that reducing the fat we eat helps to reduce the fat that can build up in muscle cells, which can improve the body’s ability to use insulin. Common dietary fat-lowering techniques, such as taking the skin off the chicken or switching to low-fat milk, do not go far enough in reducing the total amount of fat for many people to really repair this underlying problem in type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, the Power Plate foods are all naturally low in fat. Sample several flavorful dishes that are sure to become favorites— chances are good you won’t even miss the fat.
Class 4: Designing a Diet for Maximum Weight Control
This is not a “diet” that asks you to walk around hungry or feel deprived. How can you lose weight, if needed, without skipping meals or limiting your portions? In a word, it’s all about FIBER. Plant-foods have it, animal foods do not. Fiber is what makes us feel full, and, as a bonus, it also helps to control blood sugar levels, protects against certain cancers, and, of no small importance, it keeps us “regular.” Learn to comfortably fill up on whole foods and watch the pounds melt away. Enjoy some delicious high-fiber dishes—without any cardboard taste.
Class 5: Using the Glycemic Index
We have all heard that white bread is bad, and whole wheat bread is better, but do you know why? You may have also heard that people with diabetes should avoid pasta and fruit. That nutrition myth and others will be explored. By learning a few simple rules, you’ll be an expert in choosing foods that will hold your blood sugar levels steady and give you the nutrition you need for good health. Learn to prepare some dishes that are energizing and that will never leave you with a blood-sugar spike and crash after your meal.
Class 6: Keeping a Healthy Heart
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in people who have diabetes. Fortunately, the same change in diet that has been shown to be so effective in turning diabetes around also helps to protect the heart, quite dramatically. Dean Ornish, M.D., was among the first to show that a change in lifestyle could be as effective as and much safer than bypass surgery for those with significant heart disease. There is no time like the present to eat to live. Fortunately, food that is good for you does not have to taste like medicine. In this class, you’ll sample cholesterol-free foods that are full of flavor and health-promoting benefits.
Class 7: Diabetes Care from Head to Toe
By improving blood sugar levels, you can protect yourself from your eyes to your feet, and everywhere in between. Review the steps that are important every day, every few months, and once a year to take good care of yourself. Sample some easy dishes that are simple to prepare at home but look and taste like you fussed quite a bit. We won’t tell.
Class 8: Making It Work for You / Potluck Graduation Celebration
Sticking with a new way of eating can take some planning. In this class, we’ll consider occasions that have the potential to present challenges, whether it is eating at work, during the holidays, or while traveling. Foods that you make ahead of time that travel well, and/or that are good dishes for a potluck will be featured by your instructor in a food demonstration. Participate in a “graduation” by bringing a dish for your fellow attendees to sample.