8 Steps to Success

Yes, You Can Lose Weight Naturally and Take Control of YOUR Health. Most of the health problems today are due to DIET and lifestyle. Learn why & how Barbara became Vegan (Whole Food Plant Based) and went from:
- Obese to Thin
- SAD to Plant Based Lifestyle (WFPB)
- Taking Tons of Medications to NO MEDS
- Depressed to a Passion for Living!
- Unhealthy to Healthy
“Losing weight is NOT about the body – it’s about the mind. It’s about changing the way you THINK about food. It’s also about changing the way you think about LIFE” – Mike Anderson, THE RAVE DIET
Eight Steps to Gaining Health Strategy
Whether you are a seasoned Vegan or have a friend or family member that needs just the right motivation to take control of their health …THIS is the ANSWER. Yes, YOU can do it!
- Be Thankful for the Present
- Be in the Moment
- Let go of the past
- Practice affirmative self-talk
- Get involved
- Exercise
- Know what you want
- Be Specific: – Focus – Passion – Commitment – Desire
- At least know what…you don’t want
- Outcome you want – outcome you don’t want
- Best liked activity – what are you best at?
- Daily asked yourself: show me what’s best for me today
- Write it Down
- Helps with focus & clarity
- Be specific use Treasure Mapping
- Get away from it all
- Check-off list
- Journal your journey
- Know that you Deserve it
- Get away by yourself and review self-thinking
- Evaluation mirror – listen within
- Ask your friends – ask your employer
- Say “NO”— for yourself – be proud – love yourself
- You’ll see it when you believe it
- Make a Commitment & Ask for it
- To Yourself
- Expect it
- Ask for help if you need it
- Integrity is silence
- Networking – business cards
- Be Willing to Risk & Be Flexible
- No “White Knight” or “Sleeping Beauty”
- If your in a rut…
- Move “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing
- Look for the positive – be honest – be open
- Be you + 25% – 25% +- 50%
- Let Go … Trust & Celebrate
- What goes around comes around
- Do all you can the let go and trust
- Expect it
- You are magnetic – breathe
- Don’t worry – be happy – go out and play
- Persistence, Persistence, Persistence
- Practice the 8 Steps
- Success is a state of mind
- Think of yourself as successful
- Its always too soon to quit!
- Celebrate